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Flight Data Recording

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 2:32 pm
by mlwynn
Hi folks,

I have read section 7-1 in the User Manual for the HX system about fifty times. I still don't get how to use the flight data feature. I understand that I need to put a hefty flash drive in the MFD USB port. Do I correctly understand that I hve to go to the menu and hit DEMO before and after each flight? I get the impression from some posts that it is more automatic than that. My bird is about to take its second flight and I would really like to be able to review the engine data.

The setup is dual HX's, EIS 4000.


Michael Wynn
RV 8 Phase 1
Livermore, CA

Re: Flight Data Recording

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 5:39 pm
by Bobturner
Hi Mike,

Go to the GRT web page; support; Feature of the Week; scroll down to Data Recording. I think you'll find what you want there. You can play the data back on your Hx, or take the memory stick home and use the software referenced to convert the data to an Excel-readable file. The program needs a PC, won't run on a Mac, although once converted a Mac will read the Excel data file.


Re: Flight Data Recording

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 5:48 pm
by Bobturner
Note to Katie:

I know keeping manuals up to date is a never ending battle. But I think it would be helpful if when new features come out if you could asap put a link in the manual, e.g., page 7-1 of the user manual should have "See Feature of the Week xxx(link) for latest data".

Re: Flight Data Recording

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 2:20 pm
by mlwynn
Good call, Bob.


Michael Wynn
RV 8 Phase1
Livermore, CA

Re: Flight Data Recording

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 11:48 pm
by jclark
There are **TWO** methods for recording data on the GRT Systems.

"DEMO" and
"Flight Data Recorder"

DEMO has been around for a while. You turn it on and set when it is to record and stop recording (e.g. speed).
- It writes out the data every 20 minutes or so based on max file size as I recall.
- To read this data you need to use a "tool".
- You can play the "DEMO file" back on your GRT EFIS.
- You can upload the "DEMO" data to SavvyAnalysis for graphing etc.

"FDR" is a relatively new feature.
You can turn it on or off as well.
It writes certain data to a "Comma Separated Variables" (CSV) file relatively continuously.
You can set it to "gather" data every 200 msec to longer times
You can have it write out the data to a file every minute or so.
You can stick the USB memory stick in ANY computer that has a spreadsheet application an load the data.
Once in your favorite spreadsheet you can do anything you want with the data.


Re: Flight Data Recording

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 11:08 pm
by Sparky
I finally got around to Recording a "DEMO" flight with an HX. It was easy to convert it to a "Notepad" file and view the Engine info using the
GRT Utility. Just as easy to upload to SaavyAnalysis.

Enjoyed analyzing the flight on the HX unit right in the Plane, BUT, what a BATTERY Drain that is.

Is there anyway to View the flight on a PC, other than engine parameters? The ability to load your flights on a PC, and critique would be a
huge benefit and Fantastic TRAINING tool to learn how to use the GRT EFIS Systems.


Re: Flight Data Recording

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 10:17 pm
by 330drvr
I use a 12V power source I bought at Radio Shack and power the main bus with a connection inside the oil service door. Great for "playing" with the HX's and/or GPS in the hangar. No fears of draining the battery.