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GRT Sport WS software change history
- Sport WS 9.00 (2018-02-27)
- Update magnetic variation data
- Fix possible communication recovery failures with ADS-B and the Display-Unit Link
- Fix the display of negative elevation on the airport DETAILS page
- Fix an ADS-B input lockup when processing some ADS-B METAR data
- Fix exit from TAF page
- Use user-configured units in nearest lists
- Improve the processing of servo responses when the servo software version isn't known
- Fix the processing of incompatible and unconfigured settings when comparing limits with other displays
- Add notices about uncalibrated pitch servo trim
- Add support for Adaptive AHRS
- Fix incorrect TAS correction from True Airspeed Corrections table in some cases
- Fix duplicate text in GPS Status page
- Reset GPS HOLD mode when an internal direct-to is set or reset
- Use time updates from GPS that isn't being used for navigation
- Add Low MFS setting for weak magnetic fields in southern Africa
- Fix use of landing threshold and displaced threshold elevation in SAP from some data sources
- Fix reading negative cabin pressure from CO Guardian
- Shorten glideslope capture delay to 1 second for GPSV mode
- Send GPS altitude over the display link
- Update processing of advanced GPS inputs for "Autopilot (NMEA0183)" serial output
- Add GPGGA to "Autopilot (NMEA0183)" serial output
- Improve output rate of "Autopilot" serial output
- Fix use of pressure altitude received through GPS as GPS altitude
- Add APGPS NMEA0183 Passthru setting for devices that can't handle advanced GPS format changes
- Fix position of obstacles on map in SLEW mode
- Make both knobs work on frequency selection pages
- Fix selected knob when returning from frequency selection pages
- Fix matching of waypoints to displayed navaids and fixes on map
- Fix servo status displayed for servo not controlled by the display unit
- Accept more than 12 satellites from NMEA0183 GPS
- Mark Garmin test GPS data as flagged
- Mark Avidyne test GPS data as flagged
- Add 440, 540, and 550 EXT button labels for Avidyne IFD units
- Update ADS-B weather and traffic processing to handle newer receivers, ownship filtering, and TFR's
- Sport WS 8i (2015-02-25)
- Increase upper limit of Fuel Flow MAX FUEL setting
- Fix line width on ADS-B no-data radar boxes
- Fix full screen MAP airspeed and altimeter tapes being reconstructed on every update
- Fix software fault with incomplete AIRMET transfer
- Fix desired track in "Autopilot (Aviation)" output
- Don't show no-data boxes from ADS-B if also showing a valid XM WX radar
- Fix bad identifier lookups when adding new identifiers with the User Database function
- Include new identifiers from User Database function in identifier searches
- Fix processing of validity flags in Aviation GPS format
- Fix airspace highlighting on NORTH-UP map view
- Improve handling of changes in menu options when settings are changed
- Fix visibility of Life Guardian settings without a Life Guardian model
- Add baroset output option for ARINC
- Save the background PFD setting on the FLIGHT PLAN page
- Fix delay in updating map cursor selections after changing range
- Fix a software fault on the flight plan page when deleting some waypoints and then adding several more
- Fix highlight of destination waypoint of internal flight plan when it's not in the database
- Fix accelerated increment with Logbook edit knob
- Show uncorrected probe value on Fuel Data Scale page
- Add 230400 to list of serial rates to work with serial ADS-B receivers (high speed ports only)
- Capture glideslope immediately if user selects VNAV
- Improve glideslope capture criteria
- Add "hr" label to hourmeter
- Sequence the internal flight plan when crossing the bisector between courses
- Autopilot Control Profile updates:
- Rename Standard to Other Autopilot for non-GRT autopilots
- Rename Enhanced to GRT Servo Standard for use with GRT servos
- Add new GRT Servo Enhanced option for additional improvements with GRT servos
- Show LOC-HDG when the localizer is invalid and the last heading is being held
- Show VOR-CRS when the VOR data is invalid and a straight course is being tracked
- Optionally require EXECUTE button push to start approach capture after arming an approach mode (SAP or ARM)
- Change normal Restricted airspace color to bright red
- Change other airspace colors a little to match sectionals
- Always use boldest lines for yellow airspace alert
- Add a timeout to the RNG function on the left knob on MAP pages
- Add bar graph for Fuel Remaining from Fuel Flow
- Make bar graphs in the bottom engine strip configurable
- Enable SHOW METARS mode on all map pages
- Hide most extra databases in SHOW METARS mode
- Show alternate METAR/TAF range/bearing from selected airport and add configurable search limit
- Show full user Aux name when showing alarm abbreviation
- Add minimum voltage setting for analog dimmer input
- Only show WIND functions for supported inputs (XM WX)
- Allow the Jeppesen database to load into the whole EFIS as a system
- Fix selected altitude starting in 10's mode in A/P engage menu
- Fix regular menu appearing after selecting SAP runway
- Change old GOTO menu labels to direct-to symbols
- Fix Serial Port 3 defaults
- Fix help text for AHRS serial input alarm
- Wait 20 seconds before detecting transition out of in-flight mode based on speed
- Add button to limit alarms to only Oil Pressure and Fuel Pressure
- Don't reset alarm inhibits on transition to in-flight
- Send VP-X Pro/Sport configuration over the display-unit link
- Show compass ring on the NORTH UP map
- Show tapes on NORTH UP map if enabled
- Add more serial noise filtering for servos
- Add individual TIT bar graphs and option to not show TIT bars with EGT bars
- Fix user waypoint editor deleting edited waypoint
- Fix user waypoint editor not allowing ID of relative waypoint to be changed
- Fix rounding errors when loading user waypoint coordinates into editor
- Show all User Waypoints on map within range limit setting
- Show a black symbol in SHOW METARS mode when the airport doesn't have a METAR
- Fix minor METAR symbol size and color issues
- Fix automatic ILS inbound course when using SL30 OBS control and "When Selected" OBS output
- Fix inconsistent selected course displays and controls with respect to "Show GPS on Loc/GS" setting
- Improve movement of the heading tape for small changes in heading
- Fix the widths of the airspeed and altimeter tapes on the MAP pages
- Prevent A/P LEVEL mode from changing the selected altitude if another screen's mode isn't LEVEL
- Fix flight plan timeouts with GPS units that don't send the RTE sentence frequently
- Fix the positioning of some graphics immediately above knob menus
- Fix weather/terrain status text covered by tapes on NORTH UP page
- Add support for new GPS/GNSS module
- Fix MSG button showing on pages that don't display alarms
- Fix heading average and rounding during TAS calibration
- Ignore extremely high fuel quantity from EIS
- Add setting to always ignore fuel quantity from EIS