I have on occasion found that my Horizon 10.1 wasn't reading my sectional data off of my USB stick. Usually a quick reboot will resolve the problem and get everything displaying nicely.
Unfortunately this last time the problem didn't become apparent until halfway through my flight. Initial sectional data was fine, but seemed to be missing near my destination and thus required me to fly into a big black map. Not a terrible inconvenience as of course I had separate charts on my EFB pad, but I was wondering if there is a way to resolve the issue other than a full power cycle reboot of the EFIS. As power-cycling all my avionics mid-flight is not something I'm keen on trying.
Sectionals on the Horizon
Re: Sectionals on the Horizon
Is it plugged into an extension cable or directly into the back of the display? If there's an extension cable, you could try another, or try plugging the USB drive directly into the back of the display.
The two USB ports on the back of the 10.1 display are different hardware, so you could try moving to the other port to see if one is more reliable/compatible with your USB device.
In many cases if the USB access gets stuck then only a reboot can fix it. We don't currently have any logs we can look at to see what happened so that's something we'll have to work on.
There are a few ways to reboot the display without power-cycling:
1. Holding the left-most and right-most white buttons in for 3 seconds will trigger an immediate processor reboot. This means the two outer buttons. Data that is in the middle of being saved will be lost. This is as close as you can get to a power cycle.
2. Go to SET MENU, Display Unit Maintenance, Option Codes, and push REBOOT, YES. This will start a normal reboot sequence. It's a little easier on the system and any data being saved but takes longer to get to the menu and execute. If it gets stuck waiting for something like the USB device it may take extra time.
3. Load a display software update or navigation database update. These also start a normal reboot sequence.
The two USB ports on the back of the 10.1 display are different hardware, so you could try moving to the other port to see if one is more reliable/compatible with your USB device.
In many cases if the USB access gets stuck then only a reboot can fix it. We don't currently have any logs we can look at to see what happened so that's something we'll have to work on.
There are a few ways to reboot the display without power-cycling:
1. Holding the left-most and right-most white buttons in for 3 seconds will trigger an immediate processor reboot. This means the two outer buttons. Data that is in the middle of being saved will be lost. This is as close as you can get to a power cycle.
2. Go to SET MENU, Display Unit Maintenance, Option Codes, and push REBOOT, YES. This will start a normal reboot sequence. It's a little easier on the system and any data being saved but takes longer to get to the menu and execute. If it gets stuck waiting for something like the USB device it may take extra time.
3. Load a display software update or navigation database update. These also start a normal reboot sequence.
Re: Sectionals on the Horizon
I have a follow-up question to this. In order to use sectional charts with the Horizon 10.1 do the files need to be in a specific format (e.g. from a third party like Seattle Avionics) or does the EFIS just look for image and/or PDF files? (e.g. TIFF & PDF files from faa.gov)
Re: Sectionals on the Horizon
Currently we only support Seattle Avionics sectionals. The FAA has added basic georeferencing to many of their charts and plates but we don't have support for those yet and probably won't for a while. We don't have any generic georeferenced image display functions yet.