Checklist Help

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Checklist Help

Post by JimB »

I've been using the checklist feature for years. Yesterday I tried to import a revised checklist without success.

On the checklist page I select IMPORT and the EFIS says reading USB drive. I see the light on the drive flashing. As I recall, the EFIS says reading CHECKLIST.TXT and then after some time, the EFIS says Can't find CHECKLIST.TXT. The checklist I'm trying to load is a copy of the one in the EFIS with a few changes. It is a .txt file. I store it on my computer with a different name, copy that to the stick and rename it there to CHECKLIST.TXT. The memory stick is OK, I used it to load new NAV.DB a day ago.

Is there a space limitation on checklist files? I have the file with the extension .TXT in the name. Should I just use CHECKLIST without the extension (that is how the NAV file works)?

Thanks for any suggestions.

Jim Butcher
Posts: 804
Joined: Tue Dec 11, 2012 12:11 am

Re: Checklist Help

Post by GRT_Jeff »

Your computer might not show the extension. The nav file is actually nav.db, but if your computer knows what a ".db" file is, it might hide the .db and only show nav. Likewise, it knows what a TXT file is, so it might hide the .txt. If you name it to CHECKLIST.TXT it might actually be named CHECKLIST.TXT.txt behind the scenes. Try removing the .TXT from the name.
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