Add the ability to create user defined (lat/long) way points in the Android Application. A single format format for creating the waypoint ex: degrees, decimal minutes would be adequate.
Update 1/24/2019:
Here is a work around that allows you to implement user defined waypoints into flight plans that are stored in the GRT Android bluetooth application. Previously, I have been activating my flight plan (less my user defined wypts) via the Android app and then manually inserting my user defined waypoints previously created and stored in the Hx into my flight plan. I noticed recently that after doing this, my added user waypoints had been transferred back to the Android app and were identified as "Unknown Identifier-No match in current nav database". I saved the flight plan with the "Unknown Identifier(s)" in the GRT Android app. Now when I activate the stored flight plan from the Android app that contains the "Unknown Identifier" wypts, the Hx correctly matches the "Unknown Identifier" waypoint name with the user defined waypoint names stored in the Hx. Initially, it takes a couple of additional steps but the end result is user defined waypoints can be stored in the GRT Android app.