We’ve teamed up with Seattle Avionics to bring you ChartData™ for GRT Horizon HX and Horizon HXr. Yearly subscriptions are available for download from seattleavionics.com.
- VFR Package– Includes geo-referenced sectional charts with embedded Terminal Area Charts and geo-referenced Airport Diagrams – $99/year
- IFR Package– Includes VFR package plus geo-referenced IFR Approach Procedures (plates), Low and High En-route Charts, Standard Terminal Arrival Routes and Departure Procedures – $199/yr
- Each subscription is good for one whole GRT EFIS system- single or multiple screens.
Click here to download the GRT/Seattle Avionics Chart Data Manual Supplement.
NOTE: We have had 3 customer reports that PNY USB sticks do not work in our display units even when reformatted to FAT32. We use and recommend the SanDisk brand, which have been used successfully for many years in a variety of sizes.
What makes GRT charts stand out from the rest?
- TIS or ADS-B traffic information is displayed on sectionals and IFR charts, just like the regular moving map. You may quickly toggle traffic ON or OFF if traffic congestion covers up vital information on the chart.
- Your EFIS flight plan course line is overlayed on the chart, and can be viewed even when GPS is not available. This allows for traditional visual navigation or review of a flight plan on the ground if a GPS signal is not available – such as in a warm hangar before the flight, or if the GPS fails in flight.
- Never get lost on the ground again – Geo-referenced airport diagrams are included with both packages.
- Airspace is highlighted if the airplane is predicted to enter it to safeguard you from inadvertent airspace violations. A yellow outline appears around airspace in your path.
- Use the GRT Map Selection Tool to select airports and nav aids directly from the chart, allowing quick direct-to navigation and easy retrieval of airport details or frequencies.
- Easily toggle between North-up or Track-up chart views, and select different chart types, weather features, or the original GRT map quickly and easily as flight conditions change.
- HXr users can choose their favorite view: See sectionals and IFR en-routes in the inset window or a larger split-screen next to the PFD, Engine or Map screens.
- New HXr PFD/Plate split screen allows approach plates to be viewed next to the PFD – an essential feature for single-screen HXr systems.
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