Software | Description |
AHRS Software | The most current release of the AHRS software is included in the Display Unit update files. Most GRT EFIS users will never need to use this page. However, there are times when customers request AHRS-only updates or would like to try beta testing new AHRS software. |
Checklist (Example) | All versions of the GRT EFIS with a MAP page (except Mini) contain a checklist function (with recent software). The checklists must be created on a computer in plain text format and loaded into the EFIS as CHECKLIST.TXT. A text editor such as Notepad will work. |
Demo File Decoding and Analysis | analyzes engine data as a service. Emarit Ranu’s Excel-based Flight Data Analysis Tool can open demo files in Excel to make graphs, compute statistics, and show flight paths on Google Earth. Carl Morgan’s Demo File Decoder can load flight data into a spreadsheet & plot GPS data on Google Earth. |
Demo Flight HXr Demo Flight HX Demo Flight SX |
Copy the files inside these ZIP files to your USB memory stick to play back some recorded approaches and weather on your EFIS. *Note that any demo file can be played on any GRT EFIS, regardless of which model it was recorded on. |
EIS Log | Allows EIS recorded data to be decoded in spreadsheet form. Record on your EFIS memory stick or to a laptop and decode the file with this software. Version 11 3/09/2015 |
GRT Remote App | The GRT Remote App offers many tools to ease pilot workload for flight planning, radio tuning and offers support for the Hudly Heads-Up-Display. It is also a unique and simple solution for back-seat flight instruments and controls for radios and flight planning. Version 2.3.0 Updated 1/05/2017 Install issue: The latest Android 14 refuses to install this old version. We are working on an update. |
Stratux serial patch | Serial output patch files for use with official Stratux software releases. See our Stratux Supplement in Miscellaneous Documentation for instructions. |
Trig TT22 Adapter Software | Version 5 adds support for more types of compliant GPS data and supports sending air data for ADS-B air-ground switching by setting Squat Switch to AHRS and GPS data (requires display software update). Version 5 released 7/6/2017 |