Software options let you purchase what you need now, and expand later, without removing the Mini from your panel
Includes AHRS/Air-Data and wiring harness.
As A Primary Flight Display
The Mini EFIS includes an electronic attitude source (AHRS) that is not dependent on GPS and/or air data. IFR certifiable altitude, vertical speed, and airspeed are boldly shown with tapes and smoothly rotating drum-style digital displays that instinctively convey value and trend. Internal or external GPS navigation and steering data is provided on the PFD, and highway-in-the sky guidance to any runway in the database. The addition of the external magnetometer adds heading and winds.
The primary flight display screen terrain showing relative height. In the upper left the autopilot/flight director mode is shown as synthetic approach to runway 35. The flight director is commanding a slight pitch down in the center of the screen. The airspeed and altimeter drums move smoothly and the high-contrast digits make them highly readable. Extending up from the runway is the way-point balloon.
Optional Moving Map
The moving map has the features you would only expect to find in a full size EFIS. It includes such features as terrain relief, relative terrain height color coding, nearest functions, airport details including frequencies and runways, and much more. When connected to an external GPS, its flight plan and steering information can be displayed on and drive the map.
Smooth Rotation Moving Map
Hand-held or panel mount GPS navigators update their display once per second. Some EFIS based moving maps do same. The result is a jerky and delayed map. The Mini combines AHRS and GPS data to update its map at up to 15 times per second, resulting in a smoothly rotating map. Rolling out of a turn precisely on track becomes easy and the extended runway centerlines eliminate the guess work, making navigation easier and more precise.
With a full featured moving map, the Mini extends its role by coupling to other navigation sources, such as navigation radios. The Mini includes and OBS (radial) selector for VOR or LOC/ILS navigation. Lateral and vertical deviations are also displayed on the primary flight display.
Angle-of-Attack (AOA) Sensing/Stall Warning
Angle-of-attack sensing is available as an upgrade on the Mini. Sensing is via a two-port 45 degree pitot tube, such as those commonly available from a variety of manufacturers, or using a probe fashioned by the builder. This method has no moving parts, and allows the use of heated pitot tubes that preserve the stall warning function even in the presence of icing.
The GRT Avionics AOA function drives on-screen AOA symbology that shows too fast/too slow/optimal approach speeds, as well as stall warning. In addition, an audio output is provided on the Mini. This audio provides an approaching stall warning annunciation (a pulsating tone that varies with proximity to the stall warning angle) and a solid tone indicating stall is imminent.
Engine Monitoring
Practically identical to the engine monitoring provided by our larger EFIS systems, the Mini engine monitoring provides 6 engine pages, percent power calculation, and GRT exclusives (such as the EGT and CHT time histories and engine efficiency via the specific fuel consumption display).
Probably the most popular of the engine monitoring screens is the EGT time history page. In addition to two user-programmable dials, fuel management, and basic engine data. This screen includes a 2-minute history of all EGTs. This GRT exclusive allows you to effortlessly distinguish between engine problems affecting one cylinder or the engine itself. It also makes it easy to see small changes in engine operation that might not otherwise be noticeable. Even better, this display provides reassurance that your engine is running normally, especially when flying over water or at night. If the EGTs are steady, so is the engine.
Real-time traffic and weather is now a practical reality, and it is fully supported by the Mini. Unlike a tablet, the Mini’s screen is always readable, remains fully controllable in turbulence, and doesn’t suffer from overheating problems.
NexRad Weather Radar
METAR data, and terminal area forecasts available on details page
Airports color-coded based on METAR data
TFR (Temporary Flight Restrictions) graphically and with text descriptions
Real-Time Traffic (requires ADS-B Out to assure traffic is provided to your airplane)
Control Radios and Flight Plans with Your Android Phone or Tablet…
Install an optional Bluetooth dongle and connect with your Android phone or tablet using our GRT REMOTE App for Android*. Control tuning of your connected radios, create & edit active flight plans, and view the flight instruments all on your Android tablet or phone–perfect for the backseat co-pilot. The radio tuning portion of the app offers so much information, you may not want to tune them without it!
Integrates With Other GRT Equipment
The Mini adds automatic cross-checking of its attitude with any GRT EFIS screen. The GRT EFIS flight plan is displayed and may be edited on the Mini Baroset and dimming is shared. In short, it adds another screen to your GRT equipped panel with complete integration via the inter-display unit link.
Heads-Up Display Capable
A heads up display can now be part your your GRT Avionics equipped airplane for as little as $300. Our pursuit of heads up display technology has led to support for the Hudly automotive after-market heads up display. Graphics optimizations in the GRT remote app, combined with the impressive readability and value of the Hudly have resulted in the first practical heads up display for experimental and general aviation (certified) airplanes.
Aircraft mounted heads-up display
Sunlight Readable Color Symbology
Primary Flight Data
Flight Director and HSI Guidance
Lateral/Vertical Deviation for Approach
Stall warning and all other features of GRT Remote app
This section contains software in the development or testing stage for customers interested in testing new features before a final release. The software below may be incomplete or have unexpected behavior. Never use in instrument conditions or other situations where EFIS failure or unexpected behavior will affect safety of flight.
Note: One Jeppesen data subscription can be shared among all GRT EFIS screens in the airplane. Database sharing is supported by EFIS software versions 2a (HXr), 6a (HX), 10 (SX), all Mini, all EX, and newer versions.
Approach Plates and Charts (Horizon 10.1, HXr and HX only)
GRT Systems are Specifically Designed to Play Nice with Other Manufacturers’ Equipment
Every builder has his or her own taste when it comes to devices such as weather & traffic information, radios, transponders, and GPS units. We strive to give builders a choice when it comes to third-party equipment. This page is an overview of popular choices of our customers, with equipment supplements for some to help you install and use your product to its full potential with a GRT EFIS system. Check this page often for updates, as we are always adding to our equipment supplement library and third-party vendor list.
General list of Compatible Equipment
ADS-B In (traffic and weather)
GRT Discovery ADS-B Receiver
Dual Electronics XGPS170D
Dual Electronics XGPS190
Flight Data Systems Pathfinder
Free Flight Systems XPLORER
iLevil Technologies iLevil AW
iLevil Technologies iLevil SW
Open Flight Solutions Flight Box
Radenna SkyRadar-DX
Radenna SkyRadar-D2-v2
ADS-B Out Only
Garmin GTX 330-ES
Trig TT21
Trig TT22
Trig TT31
uAvionix tailBeacon-X
ADS-B UAT (In and Out)
Free Flight Systems RANGR-FDL-978-XVR
uAvionix echoUAT
Audio Panel/Intercom
(Horizon 10.1 only)
PS Engineering PAC15EX
PS Engineering PDA360EX/XR
PS Engineering PMA450EX
PS Engineering PRI30EX
GRT Autopilot Servos
Trio Autopilot (requires control head)
TruTrak Autopilot (requires control head)
Carbon Monoxide
CO Guardian
Comm/Nav Radios
Note: All GRT Avionics EFIS systems can push frequencies to com and nav radios, but only the Horizon 10.1 and HXr EFIS offer full remote control of com, nav radios and intercoms.
Any radio with RS-232 SL30 or SL40 format
Garmin GTR 200 (COM)
Garmin GTR 225 (COM)
Garmin GNC 255 (NAV/COM)
SL40 (COM)
Trig TY91 (COM) (remote option on 10.1/HXr)
Val Avionics (panel COM and NAV units, or remote COM and NAV units on 10.1/HXr)
GPS Receivers
GRT Avionics Safe-Fly 2020
All types with NMEA0183 serial output (GPRMC) or Aviation format serial output
IFR Navigators
Avidyne IFD 440/540/550 Series
Garmin GNS 430/530 Series
Garmin GPS 175/GNC 355/GNX 375
Garmin GTN 650/750 Series
Power Management
Vertical Power (All Models)
TIS-A Traffic
Garmin GTX330
Trig TT21
Trig TT22
Garmin GTX 327 (altitude encoding)
Garmin GTX 330/GTX 330-ES (altitude encoding and TIS-A)
Garmin GTX 345 (altitude encoding and ADS-B In)
Sandia STX165R (remote)
Trig TT21 (remote option)
Trig TT22 (remote option)
Trig TT31 (altitude encoding and TIS-A)
uAvionix TailBeaconX (remote)
Weather (non ADS-B)
L3 Stormscope WX-500
XM Weather
Equipment Supplements
These “mini-manuals” explain how to install and set up popular devices and avionics that work with GRT EFIS systems. You can pick the ones you need, print them out, write notes all over them and store them with your aircraft’s electrical system diagrams. Check back often for new releases or email us for special requests. We often create new supplements based on customer requests and then post them here for everyone’s benefit.
Note: Only Horizon 10.1 and HXr EFIS systems are capable of full remote control of com radios, nav radios, and intercoms.