Discovery ADS-B Receiver Software

SoftwareVersionRelease Date

Receiver Software

Release Notes and History


(1.02 with WiFi settings fix)


There are 3 ways to update the receiver. In any case, after the update transfer completes the receiver will reboot a couple times.

  1. Save the update to a USB drive and connect the drive to the full size USB port on the receiver. Monitor the EFIS or WiFi web interface to see when it completes. Most updates finish in less than 5 minutes.
  2. or use a web browser to load the update file through the System Update function in the Settings page of the receiver WiFi web interface.
  3. or save the update to a USB drive, connect the drive to an EFIS with full Discovery ADS-B interface, and load the update through SET MENU, Display Unit Maintenance, ADS-B Status, Update GRT Software. This can take 10 minutes or more.